Paris International Conference on Education, Economy & Society

Novotel Paris Tour Eiffel, 17-19 July 2008

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Instructions to Authors
Submissions are now closed
Format of Sessions

Individual Paper Sessions

Oral presentation of one paper, either single or multi-authored. Presenters will be allocated 40 minutes, including 15 minutes for discussion. In the online submission form, authors will provide an abstract of maximum 200 words together with the title and topic area of the paper. Abstracts will specify the research question with support of a brief literature background (the two or three major references of the theme), as well as the aims, methodology and main results of the papers. At least one author of the paper must be registered by 20 January 2008 or the paper will be removed from the programme and proceedings.


Panel Paper Sessions

Three or four paper presentions in a 90 minute session. Each paper will be allowed 15 to 20 minutes. The remaining time will be devoted to discussion. Papers whose authors opted for panel sessions will be assigned to panels by the programme committee. For each paper, an abstract of maximum 200 words will be provided in the submission form, along with the title and topic area of the paper. Abstracts will specify the research questions together with a brief literature background (the two or three main references of the theme), as well as the objectives, methodology and main results of the papers. Papers whose no author will be registered by 20 January 2008 will be removed from the programme and proceedings.



A symposium is a 90 minute themed session proposed by at least three persons. A general overview of the topic and at least two papers will be presented in each symposium. Symposium promoters will plan the conduct of their session so as to arrange interaction with the audience. In the online submission form, promoters will indicate the topic area and will provide the title and a brief overview (maximum 200 words) of the symposium together with a title and abstract of maximum 200 words for each paper to be presented. The overview should explain the issue addressed and the aims and conduct of the symposium. The abstracts should outline the research questions, two or three main literature references of the topic, the purposes, methods and main findings of papers. At least three promoters of the symposium must be registered by 20 January 2008 or the symposium will be withdrawn from the programme and proceedings.



Workshops are 90 minute themed sessions proposed by at least three persons. While symposia might be more suitable to present and discuss results of research in the final stages, workshops are best suited for launching projects, attracting new members, discussing ongoing research, planning future activities, information and practice. Workshops will be mainly devoted to collaborative work. No paper presentation is required. Promoters will indicate the topic area and will provide the title and an overview of the workshop (maximum 200 words) in the Abstract section of the submission form. The overview should describe the issue addressed, the background and aims of the workshop, the activities planned, the target audience and the project's prospects. At least three promoters of the workshop must be registered by 20 January 2008 or the workshop will be removed from the programme.



A roundtable is a 90 minute themed session proposed by at least five persons. Roundtables are best suited for panel debates, for example on educational policy issues. After a brief introduction by the chair person, each panelist will be allowed from five to ten minutes for presentation before questions, answers and general discussion take place. Roundtables will be mainly devoted to debates. No formal presentation of papers should be proposed there. Promoters will state the topic area and will provide the title and an overview of the roundtable (maximum 200 words) in the Abstract section of the submission form. The overview should describe the issue addressed and feature / contrast the specific views and contribution expected from each panelist. At least five promoters of the roundtable must be registered by 20 January 2008 or the roundtable will be removed from the programme.



General Guidelines


Presenters should have a written paper to distribute in their sessions.

Each session room will be equipped with overhead projector, data projector, computer with PowerPoint software, screen and flipchart. Presenters can send us their Powerpoint presentations in advance for loading onto the computer before the session. If so, please notify us whether you wish your presentation to be posted on the Archive section of the Conference website for consultation and downloading after the meeting. Presentations will be posted there for one year. Files must be received by 30 June 2008 at . Please title files as follows: Lastname-Firstname-ContributionID.ppt, for example Sonear-Jack-2008PPS14.ppt.

It is in all cases advisable to have on hand OHP slides and a copy of presentation on CD and memory stick.



Submit a Contribution 


- Print or save a copy of each page you fill in for your records.

- When completing the electronic form, please note that each mandatory field (*) must be filled before accessing the next page.

- Don't forget to provide at least one e-mail address.




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